Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bad for Me Taste So Good

I am eating an unhealthy lunch today. I normally don’t eat chips let alone dip because it seems to sour so nicely in my tummy but today, I had a hankering for some. So I went to my local CVS, where everybody know your name, and bought some. What is really gross is as I am typing I looked down and can see my keys are turning a very pretty shinny black from all the grease! GROSS!

The only good for me I am having is my oj with sprite. I just love mixing those 2 together, especially if the oj has lots of pulp. Drinking it this way makes me think I am drinking a mixed drink while on the job and I seem to get through the day a little brighter. Even though, I would normally never drink a mixed drink any other time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are thinking of O'Charley's with the rolls and butter...Mmmmm And I LOVE OJ and Sprite togather. Who kne we had so much in common?!

My kids LOVE the Golden Corral ever since they ate at one once on vacation. I saw coupons recently but it did not list the one on Shadeland, so I thought maybe it wasn't open or something.

Culvers, I saw a commercial recently and they advertise a Burger, fries and drink for $2.99. Is it substantial enough or is it like a kids meal?

Let's have lunch Thursday or Friday somewhere. Maybe if we are budget concious our friend the Zookeper will come. I hear she is unleashed nowadays.