Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend Over

Wow, I can't believe it is Sunday evening already and my weekend is over. I really haven't done much this weekend but rest. Rest is a good thing! I am not knocking it!

Today I made spiced pecan's for boss 1 birthday. I also made his b-day card. I would take a picture of it and upload it but it seems nothing is uploading on blogger any more. I went to the new Krogers in our neighborhood to get Sprite for my Maggie girl. She was VERY SICK today. She had it coming out both ends. She would just cry. It saddened us all. While I was at Kroger I picked up food to make dinner. Tonight it was a roast with potatoes and carrots. I made way to much veggies. I hope they don't go to waste. The dinner turned out pretty good. It wasn't like I remember how my mom's tasted but I stilled like it.

So what did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forced all the neighbor kids who came over to go outside and play. seth watched Mythbusters and some squid show on TV. I painted a bit and cleaned in the utility room. That's my weekend. Oh, yeah, went to church and napped, too. (Not at the same time!)