Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

I have had a very good and bad Christmas!

Why it was good: I enjoy watching my niece open her presents. It is such a treat.
Why it was bad: I couldn't breathe. I have a very bad COLD!
Why it was good: We had lots of good food. Steph made the best soup on the face of the earth! It was a corn chowder with seafood.
Why it was bad: I spent way to much money.
Why it was good: Got to spend quality time with family and loved ones.
Why it was bad: I destroyed my room looking for my camera. I still can not find it.
Why it was good: I took many pictures with my moms camera.
Why it was bad: My niece wasn't nice to me and she frowned the entire day. I think she is sick too. So that would explain a lot!
Why it was good: I took pictures of her anyway.
Why it was bad: I am laying down and having troubles with a runny nose!
Why it was good: I got some great gifts!
Why it was bad: I am not going to be able to sleep tonight!

How was your day? Did you get everything you wanted? I got some AWESOME gifts this year!!!


Anonymous said...

Scott got me some of the things on mu SU! list, but not all, so now I need to stock up at Sell A Bration time. So, good and bad.

We had a very quiet day at home with well behaved kids.

Bad: I have to go out on Tuesday with the kids in tow to exchange a present for Seth. He is looking for something specific. :(

I did some knitting, which I loved and got a scarf kit to knit, from Scott. He and I e mail each other our wish lists each year, so we always gete ach other some good stuff!

Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

We can order in some food and you can come over and have lunch with my and my brats this week, if you are up for the challenge.

Anonymous said...