Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My friend is a bad girl!

Yesterday, after a morning from H E double hockey sticks, I started cleaning out the conference room. There were empty boxes and there were old “stuff” just sitting there and I was TIRED of looking at it. In our conference room we have a pretty big, new, flat screen TV with a VCR/DVD hook up. It has been my job to HOOK the things up and I just didn’t take the time. So anyway, after the morning from… H E double hockey sticks….I got up and started pitching and sorting and cleaning and I hooked up the TV. I put the crap in the boxes we wanted to keep and put them away in storage. The room now looks amazing…I must have started a cleaning fit with owner because today, he and I hung up pictures (We have been here 2 years….) and we threw out old brand name items, which we used to sell and just couldn’t get rid of..(YOU KNOW THE ONE I AM TALKING ABOUT...) And we completely reorganized the hall, the front office and the communication room. He started towards my office and I almost screamed…”You are out of bounds!” I am not ready for him to be in my space just yet. It wouldn’t matter if he did come in and try to straighten me out; it would just become a mess again. I TRY, I really do. I organize until I am blue in the face and I turn around and it is a mess again. I HATE IT! I hate that I can’t keep organized. That is another story……. When we were moving items around in the communication center, we moved our huge battery back up. Guess what crawled out from under…yes, those dirty, filthy bugs! (They may have been water bugs but I don’t care…a bug is a bug!) I almost had a fraking cow! He just laughed….it seems, since the battery gets so warm, it is a nice place for bugs to crawl up into and have their babies….OHOHOHO just thinking about it makes me want to be sick….I am NEVER going into that room again! Anyway, I am telling my friend (ex if she isn’t considerate of my feelings about bugs) about it and she sent me a picture of bugs! Is that the most inconsiderate thing to do? I told her she was a bad, bad girl. I know she is laughing her head off but I don’t think it is one bit funny…do you?


Anonymous said...

Maybe she needs a spanking? But it's just very possible she is operating without any Diet Coke in her system and she has lost her mind, or at least her good sense not to mess with you.

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, In my defense, I must say that I am operating on PROPEL FITNESS WATER (MIXED BERRY FLAVOR)(MMMMM) only!!!!! And, I don't think I have had any real CAFFINE today,( DO PRINGLES COUNT?) Also, I seemed to have misplaced my good sense (If found, please return), and Last, I just might be in need of a good spanking.....(ANY VOLUNTEERS?)

Just thought you should hear my side before jumping to any conclusions