Saturday, August 19, 2006


On Friday I asked Stephanie if she wanted to join me..."We could meet at a near by park.." She then informed me that it was "pissing rain". How could I have not known? Even though I sit in a basement, my office has windows....Anyway, I thought we could eat lunch in our car and just park facing each other but as it turns out, she got lunch brought for her so I ate lunch in my conference room. I would love to get together and have lunch or even just water. I would enjoy getting out and talking with friends...I don't have to eat as I have food at work...I don't mind at all. Castleton would be a bit far for me only because of the traffic in and out. It takes me around 10 minutes to get to Stephanie's place and about 15 minutes to get to 96th Street off of 69. It is easier to get in and out there...but I am game for just about anything. I might even be game to have lunch out every now and then if the company is good...(smiles!)...I do have an open credit card! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Tell me what is at 96th and 69? I can easily come toward the FT Ben area if you have suggestions.

Parking my car and facing yours and sitting in our own cars to have lunch while just looking at each other seems a little wierd. But then, I am not entirely normal, I just have never tried that before. It would be easier to just videoconference lunch and forget the whole going out thing.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to go out on a date?
I can meet you for are just my type.....Let me know....

Cherry Pie =)