Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lunch = Vitamins

I went out for a short break for my lunch and got some multi-vitamins. I am not talking about the Wal-Mart brand or even the CVS brand kind. I went full speed ahead and bought an expensive brand from a health food store. I just couldn't take the possibility of falling asleep on the job. The owner of my company is due in today and what do you think he would say if I was laying face down on my keyboard sound asleep? The drool would get into the keyboard and it would be ruined! I don't think he would be any to pleased. The issue is the brand I bought, you have to take 3 pills. THREE! Why didn't I read the package as to how many you have to take? So, I just took 3 and I will probably be talking a mile a minute in a little while because I will have so much energy. (I hope I have more energy.) The only problem is, I will be talking to myself as there isn't anyone in the office besides myself. I could possibly see this being another issue, which multi-vitamins couldn't cure....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My vitamins from GNC say take two a day, but I think that is their way to make more money.Kind of like shampoo, rinse repeat. i did it right the first time so I don't have to repeat. Anyhow, I still pee flourescent yellow at dinnertime, so I just don't think I need more vitamins. Actually, some of my vitamins might come from food! What a novel idea, get my vitamins the old fashioned way.