Wednesday, January 10, 2007


It has been a stressful day for me! I don’t understand why because it has been pretty quiet but I am trying to get figures together for the bosses and I am having troubles! Yesterday all day it was the darn federal 941’s and I ended up having to call the people who make our software. Today it is still software related but I need to take the responsibility of this problem because I ended up putting money in an account, where it didn’t belong and then had to search for it. No biggie but it is just the little things sometimes, ya know? It is sucking the life out of me. I normally don’t have issues with the accounting side of business so it is somewhat frustrating.

I am looking forward to getting out of here today. I stayed late yesterday and probably should not have. I, however; have so much to do and it feels like a ton is sitting on top of my sore shoulders. I know I will feel much better getting some things accomplished and off my plate.

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