Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday Morning

I am sitting right now at this very moment on hold with Sprint regarding cell phone bill for work. Life is fun like that. After I finish this task, I get to let the state of Indiana know that yes, I did pay the taxes for the first quarter of the year for payroll. (yeah!) This seems to be an ongoing issue with them to cause extra work to the rest of us because it seems I am always having to prove myself to them. Frustrating!

Today, it is my hope to know my fate at my current employer. Salary and hours will hopefully be discussed. I have to say, if my hours are not cut then it will be a deal breaker for me. I am sticking my heels in and digging deep and plan to move on if we can't come to an agreement. Weird, normally money is the issue with people and jobs but for me time is more precious to me at this stage of the game.

On a happier note, today is my friend Judy's 40th birthday and we are going out for dinner tonight! Should be fun with all us wild, fab women!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steph is picking me up at 5:50 tonight. Should we all just go to Abuelo's and meet there?