Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Party Starts at 2:30 People

Yes, my people, my appt with boss got changed.

Unless you are fraubyers and are told to inventory everything in your offices, do you think it is okay and it should be allowed for other people to go through your desks? Honest feedback wanted on this one. I can see things on top of your desk. I don't understand anything else....Especially if you are looking for music cd's or wrapping paper and items, which doesn't belong to you.

Okay, I do understand owners own the property you sit at. But does that make it right? What if I brought my purse in and left it at work. Would that be okay to go through too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I worked for the state, the desk was all we had, and I would have had a cow if people had been going through my stuff. Not that I had anything personal or inappropriate to hide, it's just a matter of respect and personal space.

I can see if the boss thinks you drink at work or have a side job and are committing ghost employment, but c'mon. Leave people's stuff alone and show you respect them. If you just think you have to have something say "I needed some wrapping paper and I borrowed some. Would you like me to replace the roll or pay you for it?" And you don't get to comment on what a messy desk there is etc...