Saturday, March 18, 2006


We had a girls afternoon with my, niece and SIL. We went and had lunch at Nature's Garden (yummy) then went to Scrapbook Corner for a bit of shopping. On our way back, we stopped and received pedicaures for our feet at a new nail place....It was a pretty nice place in the new shopping center right after Big Foot and before the Kroger center on 32. Came back to Carmel and stopped at Handel's Ice Cream and I stood in line forever in the 10 degree weather to get ice cream for us but what a great afternoon.

Feeling a little guilty because niece wants me to come and play with her but I need a little time to myself at this moment. She is knocking at my door right now. I always tell myself she will only be this age at this very moment so I treasure the time she wants to be with me. However I need just a few moments to myself. Normally, it only takes 10-20 minutes for me to regroup and join back in.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

1 comment:

crazed lunatic said...

glad to hear that you had such a great day! :)