Saturday, December 15, 2007

The last 3

I have been sick for the last few days. I am really, really sick of it. I haven't hae a good nights sleep for the last fw al

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....see I keep falling asleep while wrihting this! Sitting up!

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

Noah said since JK Rowling wasn't going to write any more harry Potter books that he was going to write some stories about Harry. We had a discussion about how she owns the rights to harry etc... and other peple can't publish stories about him which led to a discussion about how you can own imaginary people, which I really couldn't explain at all.

I should have paid more attention in school, some days my kids make me feel so stupid. How do you own someone who is imaginary? Hmmm....try to explain it