Friday, December 07, 2007


A couple weeks ago I stopped at Chick-fil-A and the owner came in and went "ARGH!!  That is my favorite place!  I would eat there 5 out of the 7 nights if I there was one close to could you bring that in this office because I LOVE IT?  I love sweet tea!!"  On and on he went! 
Well, this morning I stopped by Chick-fil-A and bought him a large sweet tea and some chick-n-mini's. 
Also, owner's brother almost went nuts that I didn't bring him in any....He kept pretending to pick up the tea.  He also sat at my desk and picked up the sack twice.  I told him the story about me bringing it in a few weeks ago and so what did he do?  He said exactly the same thing right back to me!  Just like a parrot. 
Oh boy.

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crazed lunatic said...

yeah, i don't know why everyone has to be the judge on what you eat. but it's nice of you to suck up to the boss! ;)

i love love love

Judy in Indiana said...

I love chic fil A too. I love a chicken patty on a biscuit at breakfast. I have not tried their sweet tea.