Saturday, June 24, 2006

Went Shopping Today

We went shopping today at Scrapbook Corner. I got some paper flowers! Hurray! I have been wanting some forever and just haven't gotten any but today I spoiled myself and got some.

I have been trying to craft daily. I read some place where you are suppose to create something everyday for your soul. So that is what I am trying to do.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I will check back with you later!


Anonymous said...

I need a little ME time. No, Mommy's scrapbook supplies ARE NOT your craft supplies, so get your filthy little paws off my nice stuff!

Maybe a drink and a nap would make it all better. Or at least tolerable.

Anonymous said...

Flowers are everywhere these days. Everywhere except my garden, that is. Why? the darn bunnies came and ate them all. I caught them in the act,too. Good thing I couldn't catch them with my hands, or I would have made soup out of them.