Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday - A Pretty Good Day!

With the heat going down 10 degrees, it felt pretty good in the front offices. This is where I HAD to sit because my computer is still dead in my office. It has a bad hard drive and Dell sent me its replacement today. Anyway, on top of being cooled, Laurie and I had a pretty good day. We did get a lot accomplished but we had FUN too! I laughed a lot today. It felt good even though we were SLAMMED by incoming phone calls and faxes, we still laughed out loud on several occasions.

The best news is that I found 3 leads for owner to call to see if we can represent. The last lead was the very best. I was transferred to the NATIONAL SALES MANAGER and I spoke to him about us. He wasn't to keen on speaking with me when he found out why I was calling. I soon got his attention when I asked the right questions. First he was pretty short with me..."WE HAVE REPRESENTATION IN THIS AREA." I then replied, "Yes, but are they doing a good job for you?" This question normally throws them for a loop. Then I asked if they knew anything about who we currently sold for and he did. He also knew about the so called merger. I said, "We sold over 4 million dollars last year, would you not like the chance for us to do the same for your company?" He became silent and said, "Well, things do change, please send me your information and let's talk." WHOOT WHOOT WHOOT! That is HUGE! It doesn't mean anything, I know, but it was a positive step and a great step for me to end my day with!!

Tomorrow is niece birthday party. Today was her 5th birthday. Although we will have cake tomorrow, I actually celebrate her every day of every year. This morning I went into where she was sleeping and I kissed her face several times then I gave thanks to God for sending her to us. She is a blessing and I am so thankful for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go, Girl! Now lwt's get stampin' next Thursday. I am actually having hand surgery but signed up to go stamp, bacause I hope to not be too loopy or too handicapped. Anyhow, if I am a cripple, I'll get by with a little help from my friends.