Thursday, June 22, 2006

BD Card

Here is my latest crap…oops..did I say that? I meant creation! Anyway, I am sending this off today to my friend Beth who lives in the mighty state of Texas. She has one more year until she reaches my age and then we will both be the same age forever. Sorry about the quality of the picture, it was taken in the dark with the flash…not a good scenario.


crazed lunatic said...

um....shall i beat you with the wet noodle NOW or later? hmm??

Nana said...

It looks great to me. You sure didn't get your artistic ability from your mom.

I love you more today than I did yesterday.


Anonymous said...

I was excited, my birthday is not until October. Could you really be planning that far ahead? But then I sadly learned that not everything is for me. Darn the luck.