Monday, June 12, 2006


We didn't have the right ingredients for homemade cookies so we made brownies from the box. She didn't care that it was from the box. She was just happy to open the box, pour the water and stir a little bit. She was most happiest when I said she could eat a few chocolate chips. She was eating them faster than what I could get them into the bowl. It is a good thing my hands are bigger than hers otherwise there wouldn't have been any in the batter.

Fixed some soup for her for lunch but she is refusing to eat. (May have been all those chocolate chips!) Oh well, isn't this type of behavior okay from an auntie! LOL!! I will offer soup again in a little while and if I need to I will bribe her. I know, it isn't the best way to handle the situation...oh well, there is always tomorrow to start differently.


Anonymous said...

Why would someone eat soup when there are Brownies around? Especially if you are five. Seems like a no brainer to me.

Nana said...

The girl is an offspring from her Nana for goodness sakes!!!! I wouldn't want ole soup if I could con my Auntie out of chocolate chips either. That's my girl, you know who she has wrapped around her finger. NOT HER NANA !!! he he he.