Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bad Interview

Well, the talking part went well but the test didn't go well AT ALL. The test was 3 pages...I didn't know what FF&E meant. I never seen this before. It wasn't in the book I bought and it wasn't on any of the thousands of websites I have been on. So I couldn't finish the test in the time given. Each page had this listed and on the last 2 pages, I had to write general entries using FF&E. The last page I had to do T journaling and once again it had FF&E...at the bottom, I had to give totals. Since I didn't know FF&E, I couldn't even start. I called my friend Luci on the way home. She has been a bookkeeper for 10 years and never heard of the term. She looked on the web and couldn't find anything. When I asked the lady I was interviewing for what it stood for she looked shocked...

I did get a call today from Clarian North...they want me to come in for an interview...my phone interview was yesterday. A big $12 bucks an hour. Nice, 41 years old and I may be able to get a job at a pay rate I had 15 years ago...

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

I am so sorry things are not going so well for ou. At least at Clarian north there should be chances for advancement and moving on. If you get your foot in the door at a plce you like, at least that is a start.