Friday, November 03, 2006


My niece was playing with me last night, teasing me about her love. She said “I have something for you Auntie.” I looked at the piece of paper and it said, “I love you Nana.” I grabbed her and playfully said, “WHAT? You love Nana? What about Auntie? What about AUNTIE.” She laughed and giggled and said, “Okay, okay.” Then she brought me another slip of paper and it read. I love Papaw. I screamed playfully with her and again said, “WHAT? WHAT? WHAT ABOUT AUNTIE?” She laughed and laughed and said, “Okay, okay” and then she said, “How do you spell Auntie?” I said, “WHAT? You know how to spell both Nana and Papaw but don’t know how to spell Auntie? Is this what you are saying to me?” She giggled and giggled and laughed out loud and asked again. She then said, “It starts with an A what would be next?” So I spelled out the word Auntie and she brought me my sheet, which read, I love you Auntie. So I sighed heavily and made a big deal about it. Stating that was “more like it”, which made her giggle even harder. She then had to ask how to spell Willey, which is the dog’s name. I guess I am lucky I was one up the list from the dog……LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I LOVE YOU!

Nana said...

I love you too!