Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christmas List

I finished my Christmas shopping for my niece today. Tonight I decided it might be a good idea to type up a list of what was purchased so that hopefully there will not be any duplicates. I purchased a lot of games and it is easy to duplicate games...Anyway, Maggie jumped up beside me while I was typing and said, "Shrek Game". "Did you get me a Shrek game Auntie?" I was like, "WHAT?" She read on the list I had gotten her the game Operation Shrek game. Then she said, "I see other games on there...what else is on there?" I laughed so hard and we played around...Me pushing her gently (she is very small!) and her coming back and we both laughed and laughed. I was saying..."STOP READING, this is not for you!" She did believe me....And yes, there was a game called Shrek among other games. She was correctly reading my list. She is only 5 years old. Amazing.

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