Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hurt Heart

I have a very close friend who has an abusive husband. I won’t ever talk negatively about how abusive I think he is to her and she hasn’t confided in me with all the sordid details but what I do know, which she has told me, he isn’t nice to her.

This past month, he accused her of having an affair. Last week, in one of his fits, he threw her computer out the window of their home and locked her out of the house. I found out today he has taken away her only means of phoning me via her cell phone. They do not have telephone service at home, he “accidentally” cut the wires and hasn’t had them fixed yet (a good year ago, at least). I have gotten emails from her within the last month which read “help me.” I have asked her what I can do to help her. I have told her I would do anything she needs for me to do and that I was there for her with whatever she needed to do or with whatever help she needed. Today I went to email her and her husband has deleted her email account. I called her at her work and she just cried and cried. I asked her if she was happy and she just cried. Again, I told her I would do whatever she need and I gave her my toll free number at work, which will page me so that she can call from any telephone booth at any time of the day.

What else can I do for her? I know she is the one who has to make the decision to stop taking the abuse. My heart goes out to her and since I feel so helpless I wonder how helpless she has been feeling all these years (20+).

Please pray for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If she lives in hamilton Co isn't the shelter for women here called Prevail? She needs to call the local domestic abuse line. They will probably offer to meet her somewhere and take her and the kids to a shelter. Does she have kids? Can she support herself on one paycheck/hers? She can get a restraining order to keep him away from her at work, etc...

Oh my.