Saturday, July 12, 2008

For the love of...a heat stroke!

Miserable...miserable...miserablely HOT HOT HOT!!! It was so miserably HOT! There were guest who passed out. The tent was so hot...people were not moving an inch and was sweating through their clothes! It was a good thing I got my hair cut off or I would have shaved it off during the ceremony. Repeat...DURING THE CEREMONY! On a positive note, my makeup held up really well. The not so good news...I took off way to early! BEFORE the CAKE WAS CUT! I couldn't find the bride or groom to say goodbye so I said my goodbyes to others who I knew. It was either leave or pass out and I didn't want to pass out. My head was throbbing so I knew I had to get out of there! I was about 5 minutes from home when I was called from Luci's mobile so I guess she figured out that I left....without saying goodbye....but I couldn't find her. I didn't answer the call either...just didn't feel like I could talk and drive at the same time I guess. I am WIPED out and plan on going to bed the minute I get off the computer!

On the way home, I heard on the radio a DJ said.."Call in on Monday morning and finish this sentence". "I will never (fill in the blank)."

So hear goes mine...

I will NEVER....go to, help plan or have an outdoor wedding during the middle of July!

Your turn to play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I left my post on the wrong one, oh well, I get a handicap because I am over 60 (and Mr. Byers thinks he has a bad memory!!!)