Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Job Offer - Chicago

I received an offer from a company in Chicago. The owner of this company would like me to come up and spend a couple days, on the companies dime, to see if I would be interested. I am so confused.


dcaple said...

Can't wait to hear about it. Mike is a good guy (and a hard worker). His wife is a doll. It would be great if something came out of this.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? I would love to come spend weekends with you. And to wait in line at that ridiculously expensive gourmet popcorn store Oprah rants about. And go to museums, etc....Will owner pay relocation expensives and cost of living increase? At least go check it out, have fun, say no later.

The letters down below spell himap today. Hi Map. Get it? it's an omen, go for it!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that you know the lyrics to 9 to 5! Of course, the tune lives in my head and I can sing right along with the lyrics. Some music artist should re do the song for today's radio stations, I think it is so catchy and everybody can relate to the lyrics.

Metalchick said...

A job offer? In Chicago? One thing I have to say, You should check this out, otherwise you might regret it later. If a company offered to pay for everything, I'd take advantage of that. You can always say no if you don't want the job, right?

This is only a suggestion, it's up to you.