Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good job Mom!

I think my mom is amazing! For 30 years she worked in a factory supporting my brother and me. Day in and day out she worked at a job, which she didn’t enjoy and offered no chance of creativity. Now after retiring, my mother is getting her chance to be creative and to learn to do the things she has always wanted to. For example, she took three cake decorating class. Last night was her last class and this is the cake she decorated. I am so excited that my mother has both the courage to get out and try new things and the will to do what she has always wanted to do for so many years and couldn’t. Good job Mom! You should be proud of yourself!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That cake is really gorgeous. how do you ever have the nerve to slice it? i would be happy to just look at it o my countertop. Okay, maybe one small piece when no one is looking....

Nana said...

Thanks to my wonderful daughter for the beautiful compliments. Yes, I am enjoying learning and doing new things since I am now a retiree. The things I enjoy most is spending time with my children and wonderful grand daughter.