Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Denial or Faith?

Something is definately happening in my work world. I can just feel it. Let me be the first to say, I don't think I am leaving my place of employment. I think something is going to work out for me there. I would be the only employee left in the entire company because the owner has to get another job to support him and his family but I think I will stay there and run the rest of the business. You see, our biggest contract got pulled. We still have about 12 other contracts. They are small contracts but the owner wants to try and keep these contracts and grow the business. Since he can't live off and support a family of 5 from these smaller contracts and I can, I am hoping I can continue to work. I don't know if this is where I am supposed to end up, but I have said all along that I didn't see myself leaving....denial? Maybe....Faith? YES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find lots of happiness in denial. Okay, so i find happiness in a big bowl of Spumoni ice cream, too.