Friday, March 21, 2008

I Quit!

Well, I did technically quit, but I did give notice. Since I am about to start St V's I quit the terrible, awful, hurt my head, neck, shoulders and back job. Today was my very last day there and I WILL NOT MISS IT! There is a new guy who has been there for about 3 days now. I heard him ask if it was okay to switch chairs as his back was hurting and he thought it was the chair. I wanted to say, "IT IS NOT THE CHAIR!", but I held my tongue. Soon enough he will know it to be true. I saw a girl diagonal from me, her name was Shannon and she was stretching and stretching her neck. I felt so bad for all the good and decent people who are working there. I hope they find something too. I was left to do the dirty job today. The worst job, at least in my opinion. I had to hold my head down all day...8 hours of looking down, putting checks together with invoices and then in alphabetical order. I think the manager was being mean on purpose. I never let up with my job duties. I fulfilled them with gust and the best I could, but it seems it wasn't good enough. The manager came up to me and told me I need to have all the checks sorted by noon. I just looked at her. It wasn't like I wasn't working the entire time or chit chatting or anything. I was sitting there doing my job as quickly as I could and she came up to me and said that. I just looked at her like she was a total loon. I think secretly she was mad I was leaving. The day I gave my notice, I heard the head boss tell her I was leaving and she said NO NOT HER. So I think she wasn't real happy I left. You know with all the training I had and all...(all one and a half minutes!)

This is the last post I will EVER post about this job!

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

When do you start at St V.'s? Did you give notice, I don't understand how you could give notice and have your last day. So, does this mean you have no plans for a job on Monday? I am so confused....