Friday, March 28, 2008

I need a drink and I don't drink

This class I am taking is not one of my favorites. I am working on team projects for the next few weeks and I am beginning to think I may need to start drinking. I don't know if everyone is trying to be nice so that no one gives them a bad grade or what. Several of the girls are like "okay, okay, okay"...give feedback people! What is going to happen is I am going to be labeled a dictator....and the only thing I am doing is giving suggestions and then ask for what other people thoughts are. "Okay, okay, okay is not an answer." The only guy on the team doesn't sign in but maybe 2 times a week and then gets ticked off and has strong suggestions for the team. I was voted team leader and another gal asked if we could dual share the role. I don't' want to be team leader every week....and she hasn't done anything to lead the group with me this week...she hasn't even posted her assignment like she was supposed to do. I think the team leader should rotate from week to week. I suggested this but no one commented. One person said they thought we were doing a good job at being team leaders. That wasn't what I asked. I asked and suggested ideas for coming up with how we should go about picking a new team leader each week. I don't think being a team leader means making all decisions. I think it means making sure each member stays on track or target with tasks determined and made by the group. Of course there are other things a leader should do but dictate is not one of them. I hope the team project goes smoother than it has this week because I don't know if I can deal with these people each week if it doesn't get easier. I don't want to be a dictator or labeled as such but I won't settle for a bad grade because of others not participating either.

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

No one wants to be in charge because then they would have to do something. they just want someone else to do the work and for them to get a good grade.