Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Omega 3

Many months ago, my massage therapist told me that she had an uncle who started taking Omega 3. It wasn’t long after taking these he found his blood pressure to drop significantly. In fact, he was taken off blood pressure medication altogether.

A couple weeks ago, my brother went to his doctor for a check up. One of his cholesterol levels was high and he was told to start taking Omega 3. When he told me this, I told him I had some in the fridge and he was welcome to take them. I hadn’t only taken a couple and there were plenty. I then decided I should start taking them too. (I soon remembered why I had stopped taking them.) When you take Omega 3, you must also eat something or you will not like the taste, which appears in your mouth. So, I got over that and have been eating ¼ of a pop tart (healthy!) with an Omega 3 vitamin. It has been approximately 3 weeks or so, give or take.

This morning I went to see my doctor for a follow up. My blood pressure was the lowest it has ever been in my life! 112/82 was what it read and that is even having it taken at the doctor’s office. Normally, my pressure runs higher at the office. I have to contribute the numbers to the Omega 3 and will continue to take the gross tasting pill every morning.

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