I went to the ghetto today. MAN! I felt like a fish out of water!!! I had to get my drivers license renewed so I went to the local BMV near my work. The license expired on Monday and I forgot to go...high ho high ho it is off to the ghetto I go!
Does anyone know when this particular license become so expensive? I did have to pay a $5 late fee but even with that added charge I thought the cost was excessive! I paid $24.50! What happened to this cost? I know the last time I only paid $5-7 bucks!
Do you have to pay cash? I never have $24.50 on me! I thought the cost would be six to eight bucks. Maybe its more now since they upgraded their equipment to keep illegal aliens out of the system. Who knows why the government does whatever it does? Does it need a reason? NO! It can do whatever it wants.
How many years are they good for? Mine are good for 6 years so that is probably why they are so costly.
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