Friday, November 18, 2005

Anniversary Kick

I am still on the work anniversay kick. I haven't even received a freaking card! It isn't like I didn't tell the owner SEVERAL times that my anniversay day was coming up...he knew...and yet, he is OUT OF TOWN and I didn't get a present! Did I mention that I want a present?? I want a PRESENT! My inner child is kicking and screaming. I want a damn present! I don't want a cake. I don't want just a card. I want a present! I want a present! I want a present! Phew! All this kicking and screaming, hitting the floor with my hands and feet is starting to hurt a bit! Also, in our last meeting I asked if I should plan a party for ME. He laughed a bit, kinda shook his head yes like he was going to take care of it! I am being a spolied little brat here I know...but I want a present. Nothing big like a new Mercedes or that cute little $284,000.00 condo I just looked about some cash? $500.00 bonus would be nice.

Well, not all is lost YET. Even though my anniversay day would be over, he does return on Sunday from his trip and I know I will see him this week.

I gotta tell you though, if I don't get a present, I am going to be mad. I might have to stomp my feet and walk a little louder.


1 comment:

dcaple said...

What you want is for rd to show you some appreciation.... monetarily or otherwise, with some thought behind it.

You and I both know how much you hold that office together and the stress that you have to put up with. We also know that rd wouldn't have an office if it weren't for you..... but you and I knowing and rd realizing it are two different things.

Just remeber that we do not work in order to make our bosses happy but rather, when the day is though, we can step back and say to ourselves "I went above and beyond". It is the self gratification of doing a job well.

Jack Handy