Monday, November 21, 2005

Linoleum Block Printing

Here is my block carving creation. The end result didn't turn out so well but I am showing them to my family and friends anyway. I really, really enjoyed the process of carving the block so this...I will continue and hopefully, the end process will get better and better. I do have to admit, I enjoy making the carvings much more than just stamping other people's stamps. I also haven't really created anything I was really excited about using rubber stamps. Maybe, just maybe I have found what I really like to do craft wise.

Okay, so let me explain what is what in the pictures. The white dove with the blue background would be the end result. The pictures were taken with a digital camera and not scanned thus the bad lighting....The beige block with the black and some white ink is the actual linoleum block, which I carved.

Those of you who do not know what to get me for a gift, a gift certificate to Prizm Art Supply Store would be a great gift. Just a suggestion...

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