Monday, November 21, 2005

I am stuck today

Do you know how old people get when they get old? You know what I am saying. Stuck in their ways and don't want to change their habits. Well, I experienced being old today. Not that I am old, just experienced the being stuck part.

My coach called me and wants to change my meeting with him to tomorrow. Can I say how upsetting that was to hear? I was so looking forward to leaving that hour and a half early to go have work therapy! On top of that, I have some complaining to do about one of my employees who is driving me to want to drink! (LOL!)

So I am now stuck. Stuck. Stuck without being able to leave early. Stuck with all my negative feelings. Stuck about being stuck.

I am taking big breaths and breathing in white light...Positive Light. I let go and grap hold of my employees neck...and...just kidding there...

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