Monday, January 21, 2008

When You Know Your Feet Stink.

Thanks to Ariel for sending this one to me!

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

Seth watched Oprah yesterday. i don't know what's up. He really wanted to see the MLK Jr. special she was doing. I did not watch it, I watched wierdos with 12 kids who pretend they are Amish and make all their own clothes,which they make in the "plain" style and most of their kids have names that have the letter Z in it. No, I am not kidding. I could not make this stuff up. Being odd myself, other odd people fascinate me. I love when people can resist peer pressure to confiirm and they "stick it to the man" in some way.

Maybe I should live in Austin, Texas where their motto is "keepin Austin Weird." But if I did, you wouldn't be there. So, I'll just stay home and knit socks and keep Westfield weird. well, to the best of my ability anyway.