Friday, August 17, 2007

WOW - 24 hours later

I have a buyer for my house! The price isn't exactly what I wanted but I have to consider all the house payments, electric bills, water bills etc, which I have been paying the last 4 months..those all add up. This buyer has been pre-approved so we have to wait on the inspection and survey then we will be able to close. They want to close by the 13th of September. I am ready to give them the keys today. So ready...Paying the house payment this month will leave me at basically a zero balance in my checkbook or maybe even a negative. I should have more $$ coming in but I am not sure when....I have severance pay coming to me from my ex-job but who knows when that will be received. I just know all will work out and I am not stressed or depressed...Not one time bit. I am in a good place emotionally and feel pretty peaceful.

I took Maggie to school again today. I just love that child more than anything. Yesterday she said her best friends from last year wouldn't play with her or talk to her. I was going to have to get out a whoopin' stick and whoop me some girls...(ha ha) I plan on sitting tight and letting things work out naturally but if anyone hurts my niece, well...let's just say it won't be pretty...HAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Look at Auntie acting so big and bad!) I told Maggie she was friendly and there were lots of new people she could get to know and also she would continue to meet and have new friends as the days progress. I tried to put a positive spin on this...not necessarily for her sake but mine! (LOL!)

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