Saturday, April 15, 2006

Out Shopping With Friends

My friends and I planned a trip to Archiver's today. I was so proud of myself for restraining. I put in half of what I wanted, then went to the back of the store and sat down (only because the more I looked, the more I found I wanted) and talked myself out of half of the half I put into my shopping cart! Hurray for me! They have so many fun goodies. It would be so nice not to worry about price and just get everything you wanted, even if you never thought you would use it. I love collecting products. I love to surround myself with beautiful products, which I may or may not ever use but just to have it "in case". Is that terrible?

After our trip to the scrapbook store, we had lunch at UNO's...Yummy. I love the salad I ate. I filled up on fountain Pepsi (3 glasses) and ate 1 piece of my pizza and brought the other piece home. Pizza had way to much broccoli for my taste but it was an enjoyable morning! THANKS FRIENDS!


crazed lunatic said...

yay! was so much fun.

Anonymous said...

thanks for planning it!