Sunday, April 09, 2006

Birthday at Cancun

SIL brother, mother and mother's "adopted son" came down and we went to Cancun's for SIL brother's birthday! I used the word retarded and then realized it wasn't a good thing to say the moment I said it due being in mixed company. (Not that it is good to say anyway...) Birthday boy said he actually has said worse on several occasions one saying, "F N Retard" while driving and yelling at another driver and adopted son doesn't realize it wasn't socially acceptable or even the fact that he is mentally challenged. Adopted son only said, "It isn't nice to say bad words". I felt bad and hope to learn from this.

The best news of the up and coming week is that I have a 4 day week! Hurray for me! We get off on Good Friday! I am hoping to take the following week off for spring break...(the owner of the company went last week) and I left him a message stating I needed to take a spring break off soon too. So we are going to get it on the calendar a week which I can take off. I think this needs to be done before MJ leaves as he graduates from law school in May.

Hope everyone had a good Saturday. I made a surprise for my 2 bloggers who post. The 2 of you will be going to Christine's on Thursday won't you?


Anonymous said...

WooHoo Christine's on Thursday. I am signed up and practically counting the days.

I noticed the bit about Maggie and her doc visit were taken down. Did SIL tell you not to post? That's my guess. Post that kind of stuff and everybody is in her business asking things she doesn't want to talk about. Did you get a spankin'?

About oddball family statements....Last year at Christmas my bro said something, and my SIL said "You have to excuse him, he rode the short bus to school." So, I looked at her and said "Oh, Seth rides the short bus!" Which she didn't believe, but he did ride it, he went to CRES pre school and had/has a language delay, so he got to ride the little bus. My sis was just nortified at her little joke. But I think that short joke comment was pretty funny. Of course, my brother did not ride the short bus, he rode MY bus and tormented ME all the way home. Old bastard that he is.

We were at Cancun Friday night, by the way. Yummmm

Auntie said...

No, prayers were answered so I took the post down. I just wanted her to be okay during the MRI and she was! Hurray!!