Sunday, October 05, 2008

Anti-Social Neighbor

We got new neighbors. I am pretty excited because they seem very friendly, although, I haven't spoken to them AT ALL. I wouldn't consider myself anti-social but I am feeling that way. The best news is they have a little girl. She is 8. Since Maggie is 7 it should be a good thing for her. The little girl (who is actually pretty big, or normal compared to Maggie, the peanut) came over to play last night. I seen her out so I came inside and told Maggie that she was outside and Maggie almost ran me over to get out. I can tell Maggie is very excited to have a new friend and one, who is next door is the best! I can remember my best friend living next door to me when I was young. I can't imagine what kind of person I would have turned out if it wasn't for her. Back to the neighbors, they are from New Jersey and they have very cute accents. One time I was in New Jersey and had to answer the phone at the place I was staying and the owner of the home wanted to know what sweet, southern gal was answering his phone while he wasn't at home. It amazes me how different we talk. The new neighbors asked about recycling and such. It was pretty embarrassing how far behind the times we are. It is mandatory there, as we all know. It seem mandatory every where but here. We are so behind in that area. Sad. I was pretty embarrassed to say the least.

My parents came up today and took us out to lunch. We went to one of my favorite hangouts....Michelangelo's. Loved it!

That is pretty much it for me. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

1 comment:

Judy in Indiana said...

Hope the neighbors really are nice and not bossy Jersey people.