Sunday, September 16, 2007

Off to the art studio today!

I am very excited today! I am going to an art studio to start working on Seth's Mom, Fraubyers and Mrs. P Christmas gift! I have NEVER done what I am about to do today so please cross fingers this all goes well. I have no idea how this is going to turn out but it should be fun trying.

I am feeling bad about Mrs. P. She wants to go so badly, even though she doesn't know where or what I am doing....but I can't have her go with me because it would completely run my gifts!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So my gift will be different? I don't see my name included in the list of recipients anywhere. Hmmmm....I thought you might go to Archivers today, maybe you are doing something secret in the castleton area? that doesn't help me narrow it down one bit.