Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crazy for sudoku

I had a birthday lunch celebration with my friend Luci on Saturday. She introduced me to her love of sukoku and my OCD has kicked in. Not that I have or have ever been diagnosed with OCD but it sure feels like I have it sometimes! Anyway, we had lunch on Saturday and she gave me a sample of the game so I went to Target that evening and purchased a book for myself. I really enjoy the game. I will probably end up seeing numbers in my sleep. Wouldn't it be fantastic if the numbers were ones which won the lottery? Just to bad I don't play...


Judy in Indiana said...

I don't get soduko. Numbers aren't for me. Maybe I need to have you explain it to me.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor really enjoys playing it and so does her grandson. I just haven't been able to get it. Maybe you can explain it to Carl when you see him. He needs something to occupy his mind and he has always been in the numbers (he counts everything!!!).
Love you,