Sunday, August 24, 2008

Totally Funny

So last night, Maggie was still going on about me not being able to remember how to spell the word OF. She thinks that is so funny! One thing led to another and I had mentioned that I needed to get up and go to the bathroom. The next thing I knew, she had handwritten me a note....She handed it to me and I read it:

"Need to go poop"

We laughed and laughed because I think, even if my mind is elsewhere...I surely think I could remember to do that if I needed to!

She is a funny girl!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Losing It

Yesterday I forgot my password to get into the computer at work. I totally locked myself out and had to have the help desk unlock me and then change it. Today, I had to email Anthem for a precert and forgot my password. I locked myself out after 3 times and they sent me my memory word so that I could recover it. The problem was I couldn't remember what the memory word meant. The word I chose was "music". After they reset my passcode I remember it! DUH! Tonight I was playing hangman with niece and SIL and forgot how to spell the word OF! My niece thought it was funny since she knew how to spell it. I am afraid I am losing my mind. LOL!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bad night

Last night I was lost and confused! Why? I forgot my Sudoku book at work! (LOL!) I was sure to remember it tonight and have already started playing it again.

Work is weird...everyone is coming to me for help and telling me their troubles. I have enough of my own thank you....but it is a core value at my job so I bite the bullet.

Today one of the gals who used to work in the front office came back for a visit. It was really, really tense. I felt very weird!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crazy for sudoku

I had a birthday lunch celebration with my friend Luci on Saturday. She introduced me to her love of sukoku and my OCD has kicked in. Not that I have or have ever been diagnosed with OCD but it sure feels like I have it sometimes! Anyway, we had lunch on Saturday and she gave me a sample of the game so I went to Target that evening and purchased a book for myself. I really enjoy the game. I will probably end up seeing numbers in my sleep. Wouldn't it be fantastic if the numbers were ones which won the lottery? Just to bad I don't play...

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This morning I was greeted from Maggie asking me why I wore what I wore to work every day. I wear a uniform is what I told her. She said you wear the same one every day? I said not the same one, I have 5 pairs of pants and different shirts. She replied with..."I was just thinkin, if you wore the same clothes everyday you sure would be a stinkin".

I just love her mind!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Friday Wow's

Friday night I stayed late at work so I could go out with new friend Amanda. She and I went to a store and eyed a few items, which we could not yet purchase and then walked over to a nice and clean pub afterwards. We ate and talked and talked. It was just a nice way to end a long week. I don't know if it was because I had 3 cokes or if it was because I was out in the night (something I never do!) but I felt like a wild teenager! We didn't leave the place until almost ten o'clock. I am normally at home at this time. Imagine my surprise when I saw all the crazies out and about too! I was shocked at how people dress and was amazed there were so many out that late. I became alarmed at how old I am getting.