Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tunnel Vision

The words “Tunnel Vision” was used in my household today so I decided to do some research.

Some people equate tunnel vision with the saying about not seeing the forest for the trees. A person with tunnel vision is so zoned-in on one thing he doesn’t see much else. His eyes are fixed on a single object. He doesn’t notice other things. He is distracted from distraction. He is isolated in isolation. He is shut off from other facts by fixation on a single fact he believes so important that all else recedes in the darkness of self-imposed selective ignorance.

As a consequence, persons with tunnel vision see only the light at the end of the tunnel, disregarding the tunnel walls that keep the massive weight of the outside world from caving in on them.

People with tunnel vision see the light and may be drawn to it without realizing that safely reaching the light depends on the integrity and strength of tunnel walls within the darkness, walls that make the journey out of darkness possible.

Are we today foolish crawling through the tunnel of life with no concern for the structure that prevents the world from caving in on us and not seeing the light around us? We see the light but do we ignore the danger lurking in darkness of the tunnel?

Perhaps we need to more closely examine the intricate structure that keeps us safe in this present dangerous hour. Or are we too focused on the way of escape for ourselves individually?

Are we ignoring our responsibility to love the children who must crawl along behind us through this dangerous tunnel, threatened by the weakness of timbers and beams and are we are refusing to repair as we scramble to deliver our individual selves from the darkness?

Are we abandoning our responsibility to make the tunnel safer for the children by ignoring our present problems? Are we getting through the tunnel on our own, while refusing to participate in the process of making the tunnel stronger for those who must follow after us?

Are we relying on our own strength and wisdom to find our way out of darkness guided only by a light in the distance as our children venture more deeply into danger we refuse to repair?

Where would we be if the walls caved in? Where will our children be if the walls cave in? Who is working to strengthen the walls? Who will replace the rotting timbers we ignore in our selfish quest for light. Who is going to strengthen the tunnel so others can make their way safely from darkness into light?

How long can we remain in this present darkness before the walls cave in on us?

Pointing to the light ahead is good. We must never lose sight of the light. Let us see the light clearly and never lose sight of its promise. However let us not forget about the darkness and what it holds for us and others.

Make the journey safe for others, not just for ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of deep thought from you today. I think I am glad i don't live with you, my brain might explode from all the thinking being done. Is this a bad time to ask how your knitting is?