Friday, January 20, 2006

Teen Star Gone Bad

I was scanning the news tonight when I found a story about a guy going into rehab. The name sounded very familiar to me so I googled him. WOW was I surprised! The picture of the man they had shown in the news article wasn't at all anything like I remembered. He was originally a former teen beat favorite and I had a poster of him in my bedroom when I was young. I remember then I used to have this young man's 8 track tape and it made me laugh because it reminded me of how old I am. Then I wondered what the heck happened to him? He looks like he has been beaten and been through hell and back. I guess drugs will do that to a person.

I hope all my prescription drugs don't make me look like that in a few years. I will be really mad because I spent a lot of money on cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

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