Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sick of being sick!

I told myself I would not get sick and it snuck up on me! Darn it all...I just hate having a sinus infection!!!!! It seems I get this every year and I am just sick of it!

I am off work for the next couple days...Well kind of, I am going to training for the next 2 days. I was really excited about it until I found out there would only be 12 of us and most of the people coming were high executives from top 500 companies. What is little ole me going to be able to associate with these people? My life coach (who will be there and recommended me into going) thinks I have much to offer. He said, most of these people in these high profile jobs are in the same place regarding work issues as I am. I was dumbfounded. How could these educated people be in the same place I am....Makes me wonder about people graduating from collages who should be. I am not saying I am stupid but how can a person run a 500 company and have my same issues when I run a 6 man operation? Shouldn't these people be more educated than this? Or am I missing the boat.

Will let you know how it turns out tomorrow...Until then, it is time for me to take meds!

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