Friday, December 26, 2008

I blinked

and it is over! Christmas is here and gone and I missed it, just like my life. With another year coming to a close it makes me depressed. I think about all the things I never did and all the things, which I am to old for and still want to do. Don't a have pitty party for me. I know I am responsible for my own doings. It just makes me sad that I never dreamed or was inspired to do more for myself and in a blink of an eye, it will be over.


Judy in Indiana said...

You can still skinny dio in the pool, dance like a wild woman in bars, drive and text at the same time. All the fun is not behind you!

And thanks for the update. i'd wondered if you had forgotten you had a blog.

crazed lunatic said...

i sometimes have the end of the year pity party, too. i think it's natural to want more out of life.

that being said.... let me know if you decide to go dance like a wild woman in a bar with Judy. I want to join in on the fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to attend that dance thing too!

Anonymous said...

One of your accomplishments has been providing joy to your family. You are a wonderful Auntie and sister-in-law who is very loved. Stephenie

Anonymous said...

I agree that you are a wonderful person to others, my day doesn't seem complete without a call from you. If you do go to the bar and dance on the table you all need a designated driver so keep me informed.
Love you,