Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Did you VOTE?

I asked to leave at 2 today so I could get to the polls before it got packed for the evening rush. I wish I knew why they closed at 6 p.m. This leaves very little time for people who work to get there! Last time, it was like HOURS so this time I decided I would ask to leave in the middle of the day. Hip Hip Hurray it WORKED! It took less than 5 minutes to vote and that included parking the car! So happy I was! I am VERY NERVOUS about the outcome! I know I have done my part and have very little input anyway but I am still nervous about the outcome. I think people every where are nervous. We have had so many weird things happen at work. Kids and parents alike are getting sick, passing out and weirding out on us. Is it a full moon??

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