Monday, October 31, 2005

Meeting with Coach today

I went to see my mentor or life coach or whatever you want to call it today. I am working on making some positive changes but when will I see those changes? It has been 2 weeks but it seems life forever. Baby steps, baby steps. I want giant steps! I must keep focused. I have been doing the homework given to me. I actually obsessive about what is told to me but I need to put the theory into practice and I am having a difficult time doing it! "Falling on the sword" and "playing dumb" isn't something, which comes easy for me. Willing to want it is one thing. It has cost several thousands of dollars for me to speak to this man and I want to see results and I want to see them now. I just hope I can make the changes I so desperate need and want and continue to be the person I need to be in my role at work. I don't want to disappointment myself.

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