Sunday, June 05, 2005

Nana wants to be Strawberry Shortcake

Nana wants to be Strawberry Shortcake

I have proof! Nana will do virtually anything for her granddaughter! It was a Strawberry Shortcake Birthday party and Nana played her part! It is my hope Nana only wears this kind of get up while at home or with immediate family members. I will have to definitely keep a sharp eye out to make sure this doesn't happen in public. I wouldn't want people to think she has lost her mind!

Chuck E Cheese

Chuck E Cheese Birthday for a 4 Year Old
R Phillips 053005

"I love Chuck E Cheese!" exclaimed the birthday girl! I was surprised. When she saw Chuck she looked at me to see if it was okay to go see him. I said, "Go see him!". She ran and hugged him! I missed the picture of her giving him a hug but I did get this one and another of her running back to us with the biggest grin. It was so sweet and I was very happy to see she wasn't scared or shy.